Included: E6 Connect iOS * included
- 5 courses
- 17 Practice Ranges with 3 levels of difficulty
- 3D swing analysis that allows users to replay and review their swing from any angle
Golf courses included:
- Aviara
- Bandon Dunes
- Aviara
- Sanctuary
- Stone Canyon
- Wade Hampton
* Check the compatibility of Apple devices
Customize your game:
- Mulligans
- Gimmies
- 18 Pin Positions per Green
- wind
- Altimetry
- Stimp Rating
- Time of day (evening, morning,...)
- Multiple Tee
Feature-rich software:
- Real time Peer to Peer
- Online Tournament
- Shot Tracers
- Mini Games – Long Drive and Closest to the
- Camera Settings
- Shot Replay
The Home Swing Studio by TruGolf makes it possible to learn the game quickly and continually improve.
The sensor captures 4 Critical Swing Characteristics.
- Club Face Angle
- Angle of Attack
- Swing Tempo
- Club Path
These Swing Analytics are combined with E6 CONNECT’s ball flight algorithm to derive ball flight.
As users change and control these data points, they control the ball inside E6 CONNECT.
After each swing, a clearly understood swing analysis screen will appear and is color coded based on your performance.
Users can interact with their data and see a 3D recreation of their Swing Plane and a graph of their tempo.
The configuration is simple.
Launch the application, connect the sensor and start playing.
For the familyThe Home Swing Studio makes it easy to learn the game.
You can share your passion for golf with your family at any time!
Home Swing Studio combines professional teaching technology with video game style content.
This makes learning to play golf more fun, all in the comfort of your living room.
- Easy, intermediate and advanced settings
- Exciting mini-games for children
- Flexible configuration makes it easy to play anywhere