The Experts can visit you at your best convenience in order to present our different solutions.
Based on a strong experience, our Experts offer different simulation packs to meet your expectations (from simple training to course practice). They will be able to provide you with all the information you need to advise you on the best solution or to develop your customised project.
Why a golf simulator? Like all golf enthusiasts, you are often confronted with several problems:
- CLIMATE CONDITIONS IN OUR REGIONS: Rain, snow, hail, frost, … we don't live in the south...
- REGULAR TRAINING: No secret... To play better, you have to train...
- THE LACK OF TIME: Playing golf is a time-consuming activity
- ACCESS TO THE COURSE: It is rare to have a club next to one's home.
- TEE TIME RESERVATION: The desired time is often busy, not easy to plan well in advance when to play due to professional and private constraints.
The answer to these problems: the golf simulator to play and progress at home!
Our simulation solutions INDOOR and OUTDOOR answer these problems. You play and improve your golf without the usual constraints at home.
You play with your own clubs and balls on practices and courses that are truer than life.
½ hour is enough to train; no more unnecessary travel, no more weather or schedule constraints. An 18 holes course in 1 hour, yes, it is possible!!! Finally, an accessible solution to play every day, all year round, without unnecessary travel.
Technology at the service of sport and the pleasure of playing.
Above all, a simulator is a device that allows you to practice all the compartments of the real game through a virtual solution. Our solutions will allow you to play golf on courses and practices. You won't find a better alternative for playing golf at home. We offer real simulators (used for more than 15 years by tour pros), unlike simulation games.