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The combination of ROTATIX + HMC - FLEX STICKS
The training tool for golfers who need more flexibility and better coordination of the upper body and hips.
More consistent shots by controlling your head movements
Better point of impact and better smash factor!
Fewer balls topped and less fat balls.
More consistency in the game! Longer and more precise shots!
ROTATIX and HMC - FLEX STICKS are changing your game
! It's Guaranteed !
The perfect training tool for golfers for softening, stretching and inclining.
It ensures more rotation and better coordination of the hips and upper body.
By training with ROTATIX, every golfer gets more flexibility and more length.
With ROTATIX, it is finally possible to make better use of the hip, which automatically ensures more length.
5 minutes a day is enough to change your game significantly.
One of the biggest mistakes golfers make is going up / down or moving left to right during the golf swing.
As a result, the golf ball is not hit well. There are toped balls as well as fatty balls.
In both cases, the balls lack length.
By training with the HMC FLEX STICKS, the player can control their “movement” as the sticks are very easy to adjust.
One stick is set for the vertical plane, the other stick for the horizontal plane.
Thus, the player immediately notices if the head is moving.
I have put them into use after having six screws put into my shoulder to repair a SLAP injury. It has helped immensely in returning shoulder mobility and has been instructive as to what other muscles in my back and shoulder have been either over tight of undertrained. For injury recovery a must, for ordinary golfers, especially older ones who lose mobility over time, a very good idea. Fits easily in my golf bag, too, so I can use it at the club as the beginning of my warm-up routine, which is also a good idea for ageing golfers.